Thursday, December 15, 2005

What a wake up call

I am sick. I took the opportunity for a bit of a lie in while Battboy got the kid's ready. I was drifting into a nice, soft, Mersyndol-induced snooze when Lee burst into the room and leant over me.
"The nominations are in."

Instant alertness, all signs of sleepiness gone.

Please please please please please, let me be in. Let this year end on a high.

"We're both in. 'Memory' in the SF category and 'Pater Familias' in horror."

Matching 'his and hers' grins on our faces.

I'm also pleased to notice that 'Macchiato Lane' is up for nomination. I read this story first for Ticonderoga Online and passed it on to the others with a definite 'yes'. I also requested it for issue five, which I edited. While I hope Lee wins his section, I'd feel a certain amount of satisfaction if he lost to 'Macchiato Lane'.

Naturally, I hope to win the SF section, but I did like the story about Mr Woo in Aurealis, so we'll have to see.

Congratulations to everybody who was nominated, but a special mention goes to our good friend K A Bedford. His second novel "Eclipse" has been nominated. His first novel "Orbital Burn" was came to the notice of the judges last year, which shows that this man is doing serious business for Australian SF.

Have a nice day

I will be resume my recuperative snoozing now

PS Are we trekking all the way to Brizzie for the awards. You betcha!

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